Samuel Folorunso Adeyinka-Ojo,*,Catheryn Khoo-Lattimorea, Vikneswaran Naira (2015)

Framework Review

Below is the framework adapted from this journal. 

Below is the framework of the Destination Management and Marketing Organisation (DMMOs) for rural tourism in this research. There is 5 variable consist what function management and marketing in the rural tourism framework. This framework includes the mediating variable (MV), dependent variable (DV), the independent variable (IV), and Moderating Variable.
This research framework is to clarify the roles of management and marketing in the rural tourism development organization. The framework from this research is the variables sources from literature review consist of management and marketing roles. Moreover, this framework helps the organization of tourism or rural tourism in build and frames the good organization and stabilizes the marketing strategy. 
As mentioned in an earlier case study, a community in the rural the place is the main course for ruin succeeds rural tourism development. Community attitude that will show the effectiveness of development either had a positive or negative impact. The community behavior helps in developing tourism development to be a success and show it rural tourism had advantages that can help the local people and also have a disadvantage on the environment.


In this research framework, the variable for MV is DMMOs and as for the main subject of this research. Related to the MV, DV is the cause of the main subject to achieve the objectives which are destination management and marketing roles. Due to this subject items that include from the table of DV are items such are the IV of this framework. Destination stakeholder's and mutual benefits are the moderating variables on this framework model.
This shows the items and variables used in this framework model.

Destination Management Roles
- Human resource development
- Finance and budgeting management
- Safety, security and crisis
- Politics (government, NGOs, community      relations and industrial relationship),            policy and destination strategy
- Monitoring services quality, standards,     and destination performance management
Destination Marketing Roles
- Destination marketing communication
- Destination positioning and branding
- Management of tourism assets,     attractions management, and sustainability
- Services quality, tourist experience and     customer’s relationship management     (CRM)
- Tourism product development and     management
Destination Stakeholders
- Participating and involving strategy
Mutual Benefits
- Tourism product development
- Destination sustainability
- Destination brand building
- Increase in tourist arrivals and receipts
- Host community well being
The framework created is showing the relationship between roles, destination stakeholders, and mutual benefit. Theoretical and managerial implications that express in this finding journal are to point that DMMOs should collaboration with the rural tourism stakeholder for the good together like a win-win situation. Otherwise, from the collaboration many advantages that can get that some of its management in financial, marketing effectively way and monitoring to the rural tourism attractions. Besides, increase the performance of tourism development and arrange organization



The theory used in this framework is the structuration theory. According to Beverley J. Gibbs (2017), structuration theory is a term in sociology that provides insights on human actions focused on a combination of structure and agency consequences known as the "duality of structure". In addition, structuring theory considers the correlation of context, norms and values, and force, and develops a complex relationship between these various aspects of society.

The duality of the structure is one of Anthony Giddens' theory that had a two arrow which is two main ideas by mean enable or constraint and reproduces for action and perception, produces and shapes for patterns of action. Result of this structure are depending’s on people behavior and decision made (Liz Folger, n.d). Thus, structuration theory explains how human acts and choices are influenced by previous actions and influence potential behavior.

According to the framework model, the development of rural tourism is counted on all variables which are linked to people in the organization to achieve the objective of the company or firms. As a consequence of stakeholder, management, and marketing departments existing the mutual benefit of rural tourism in this organization.
The method of this framework model that uses to develop the framework is an adaptation from a previous case study that relevant to the main subject. The main reasons used this method are that past research can have the techniques and tools to be used in the current situation dictated by their findings or literature review that are relevant to the organization's application. Therefore, this framework is improvised from the other framework and findings of the research.




Adeyinka-Ojo, S. F., Khoo-Lattimore, C., & Nair, V. (2014). A framework for rural tourism destination management and marketing organizations. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 144(144), 151-163. Retrieved from

Folger, L. (n.d). Structuration Theory: The Duality of Structure. Retrieved from

Gibbs, B. J. (2017, August 21). Structuration theory. Retrieved from Encyclopædia Britannica:
