Below is the framework of the selected journal:

The research framework above shows the four proposed fundamental influencing factors of environmental constructs and the quality of services. This research framework contains 5 variables which are independent and dependent variables. 

The research framework also explains the factors of significance for the successful growth of rural tourism destinations. The current study investigates the opinions of tourists on changing climate, carrying capacity issues, environmental conditions, and local community support for tourism activities in order to study the relationship between these factors and the quality of services provided by the destination.

The study stated that it is justifiable for tourists who have spent their holidays in rural tourism destinations to emphasize the quality of the environment as well as its surroundings. The development of destinations should be consistent with the goals of sustainable growth and comprehensive management activities should be adopted to protect environmental resources. 

The research's finding specifies five independents variables from the research which are Climate change, Carrying capacity, Relaxation environment, Community environment, and Quality of services. 

The table below shows the measurement items and variables:


Climate change
a)      This area always has good weather
b)      The air quality is good in this area
c)      The water quality is good in this area
d) There is the existence of a comfortable climate for tourism in this area.

Carrying capacity
a) Smoke from the generator can cause air pollution
b)   The numbers of tourist are overcrowded
c)  Tourism’s activities in this area always make use of natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable
d)  There are a number of tourist activity that can be organized in this area without affecting the local community’s lifestyle.

Relaxation environment
a) The natural environment here enables tourists to get refreshed
b)   The existence of nature environment helps in relax daily tension
c) Tourist is physically active in the natural environment
d)    There is a calm atmosphere in this area.

Community environment
a)  There is sufficient of supporting visitor service in this area
b)  Local communities’ support for cultural and folk events in this area
c) The availability of tour guide services provided by the local communities
d)   Local communities help to improved roads for better access facilities
e) The local communities provide better transportation services for better access facilities

Quality of service
a)  The use of modern, advanced technology and information systems (ICT) such as the internet and computer to improve tourism’s activities in this area
b)    There is increasing tourist’s spending in this area by providing local craft and souvenirs
c) The establishment of standards for tourism facilities in this area
d) The availability of tourism-related information documents for tourists.

The results of research findings indicated that climate change had the greatest positive impact on the quality of services provided by rural tourism. According to past research (Gómez, 2000, 2004), climate change affects the location of tourism, tourist resource, and tourist attraction. At the same time, it was observed that climate change was a key factor in influencing the decision of tourists to visit a destination. 



The research used stakeholder theory as a fundamental theory to establish the research structure because it is generally relevant to this research topic and is commonly used and accepted by scholars. In stakeholder theory, the stakeholder is described as any community or person affiliated with the successful development of tourism (Freeman,1984). Moreover, this theory discussed the need to acknowledge the opinions of stakeholders on the supply and demand side of tourism planning and sustainable tourism management (Byrd, Bosley, & Dronberger, 2009; Dorcheh & Mohamed, 2013; Urde, 2003). 

In fact, past studies have shown that local government, urban entrepreneurs and locals are supply-side stakeholders, while tourism is the primary representation of demand-side stakeholders. The rationale for using stakeholder theory as a fundamental theory research strategy is that this study examines the perceptions of tourists concerning factors that contribute to the development of quality services for rural tourism destinations. 

Identifying factors are considered to be important for the better development of rural tourism destinations. The study investigated the opinions of tourists on changing climate, carrying capacity issues, environmental conditions, and local community support for tourism activities in order to study the relationship between these factors and the quality of services provided by the destination. 


